8 Common Dental Problems You May Experience
Let’s face it. Dental issues can ruin anybody’s day.
We are here to discuss eight of the most common dental problems and what our dentist in Westport can do to resolve them.
Common Dental Problems
Tooth Enamel Destruction
This type of tooth deterioration is instigated by plaque—soft, film-like substances filled with millions of bacteria. When left unchecked, acid is produced from them. This acid will not only eat away at the tooth but may also affect the pearly whites surrounding the decaying tooth.
Tooth decay is aggravated by diets that include food items high in starch and sugar. In addition, a general lack of good oral hygiene can be counted among its major causes. Your emergency dentist in Westport, CT, can repair a chipped tooth or cavities through techniques such as fillings, root canals, and dental crowns. In cases where the cavities are too deep and/ or too wide to simply fill (and have severely corroded the tooth itself), patients can opt for dental crowns.
Tooth Discoloration
Tooth discoloration, yellowing, or darkening results from enamel staining. Unhealthy eating and drinking habits are the main contributors to tooth discoloration. Caffeinated drinks, sodas, and wines are found to have traces of “tannins.” These are a distinct category of polyphenols that leave behind yellowish traces when they stick to teeth.
In addition to certain foods and beverages, smoking and poor oral hygiene, as well as medications, medical procedures (i.e., chemotherapy, prescription drugs for cardiovascular ailments, etc.), and genetics also play a part in tooth discoloration.
Our dental practice can offer you a myriad of professional whitening services and suggest various treatment options to reverse discoloration. Instead of relying on DIY solutions, visit our dentist for a professional tooth whitening treatment that produces visibly whiter teeth within a short period of time.
Root Infection
A chipped tooth, cavities, and other types of tooth trauma may ultimately lead to root infection if left untreated. Bacteria travel sporadically from the crown (the visible portion of a tooth) to the tooth’s neck and then to its root.
Once the bacteria spreads to the bottom region of your teeth, damage to both the pulp tissues as well as the nerves occur. This is when patients experience prolonged and chronic dental pain and swelling in the mouth.
Simply taking pain relievers is not enough. It is always better to treat this dental condition at its “root,” quite literally. There is only one solution to it—Endodontic Therapy. Most often referred to as root canal treatment, it has to do with the removal of nerves from the tooth pulp to completely eradicate bacteria and infection. Furthermore, it aids in protecting the tooth from future contamination and decomposition.
Contrary to what many people believe, a root canal treatment is not painful! Your dentist will inject the affected area with local anesthetics to ensure your comfort throughout the entire procedure.
Periodontal disease or “gum disease” materializes when the soft tissue around the teeth becomes infected. Signs of its initial stages occur when the gums become sensitive to the point of soreness or bleed every now and then. Its later stages are linked to tooth loss.
On another note, studies reveal that there is a correlation between cardiovascular problems and gum disease. Gingivitis may lead to imbalanced blood circulation, inflammation of blood vessels, and blood vessel damage, as bacteria in the gums can easily travel to the rest of your body via blood passageways.
Nevertheless, when you notice the first signs of gingivitis, you should search for emergency dental services near you.
Dentin Hypersensitivity
That sharp and often piercing tooth pain you feel whenever you eat or drink something cold or hot could very well be a symptom of dentin hypersensitivity. There are several causes of tooth sensitivity, such as tooth decay, tooth grinding at night, and periodontal disease.
To prevent dental issues, seek the assistance of a dentist early on to stop the spread of cavities. Our dentist at Advanced Dental of Westport CT can inform you if there are any underlying dental issues that need to be addressed. Contact our dentist in Westport today for comprehensive dental care.